Well, another CrossFit Games is in the books. This is my 5th year in a row competing at the CrossFit Games. Its become a bit of a tradition to have these wrap ups so here goes another one. This year,…
What mistakes have I made as an athlete that i ahve leaernt the most from? What is my approach to nutrition? What are my plans in the near future for competing? Listen to the podcast by clicking here: https://anchor.fm/elevat3edproject/episodes/Episode-13—A-Look-Inside-The-Life–Mindset-of-4x-Crossfit-Games-Athlete-Brent-Fikowski-edgd21/a-a232gne
Stefi Cohen is a Powerlifting World Record holder in the Womens 114lb class. More Stefi Cohen VLOGs can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMoe2ZnSFIFcayGVv__xFEA/